5. The Road to Freedom

In 2157 the Daleks attacked the Earth with meteorites. Shortly after the population started to die of a space plague brought by the same meteorites.

A year later, in 2158 the Daleks invaded Earth.

It is now 2159...

Millie Fieldgate-Parker is an 18 year old girl with special, hidden powers. Powers that could bring the Dalek occupation to an end if she wanted to use them. If she was allowed to use them...but the mysterious stranger known as the Doctor told her she couldn't...So now she hides with the resistance fighters, waiting and hoping that their fortunes may change.

Sam Hasthorpe, his partner Chloe Carpenter and Sam's teenage daughter, Molly, are in hiding in the Water Hills in the North of England. Molly doesn't trust Chloe after she sold their friends out to the Daleks, but they have more grimmer things to worry about...

Ellie Walker is a former journalist at the London Chronicle. When the Daleks invaded, her and her co-worker, Alan "Goss" Gossport decided to head North to the coastal town of Thornsby to look for help. Help from a man who allegedly knows how the invasion will end.

But all of them are about to have their lives diverted elsewhere.

And all roads lead to Freedom...

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